Student Loans? No Problem! How to Set Yourself up for Success Before & After College

Leah Ynostrosa, My Education Solutions, Guest Writer
More than 44.7 million students hold a whopping $1.56 trillion in student loan debt. The delinquency or default rate of 11.4% only incites greater angst and stress that come with the already staggering statistics.
With those numbers in mind, it’s no wonder most adults are apprehensive about pursuing an advanced degree. Further, the weight of making the best career decisions is compounded under this pressure—college is already way too expensive to play around. How do you know you’re choosing the best career path for yourself?
It may sound counter-intuitive, but there’s wisdom in choosing a career path BEFORE going to college.
Here’s why:
Most students entering college are in no place financially to rack up unnecessary college hours, “trying out” different majors and career paths.
This makes knowing your intended career before starting college extremely important.
The career counseling services that Reeder Consulting provides prior to attending college can help ensure that you are on the appropriate path towards success. Aptitude testing and career and personality assessments give students clarity in making career decisions. Arming yourself with the information necessary to make informed decisions is critical AFTER going to college as well.
For individuals who have already attended college, dealing with the impact of this investment can prove to be a challenge. The alarming statistics previously mentioned are minuscule compared to the financial, mental, and emotional burden that student loan debt brings to borrowers on a daily basis.
For those who have already incurred the expense, whether you have pursued a career in your field of study, did or did not graduate, My Education Solutions is the solution you need for your student loans!
In just 3 easy steps, My Education Solutions can have you enrolled in the best Student Loan Forgiveness program for your specific situation. On average, clients generally save $400 per month and 70% off their overall student loan debt. That means more money in your pocket to do the things you love or have always dreamed of doing.
It’s as simple as 1-2-3:
Find out whether you qualify instantly with My Education Solutions’ free, online calculator.
Complete your enrollment documents.
Sit back & enjoy your savings!
My Education Solutions will file your paperwork with the Department of Education and notify you of your approval, then set your payment dates and administer your program, performing monthly audits to ensure you are on-track to Forgiveness. You’ll then re-certify annually, which is just as simple.
Student Loan Forgiveness is a Federal benefit you are legally entitled to as a Federal Loan borrower. Once your program is completed, the government will waive your remaining student loan balance—both principal and interest! This means a potential savings of tens of THOUSANDS of dollars!
My Education Solutions has proven to be beneficial in many situations even beyond the monthly savings:
Looking to buy your dream home, but hindered by your student loan debt? My Education Solutions helps borrowers qualify by improving your debt-to-income ratio, reducing your monthly payment obligation, increasing your buying power to get more bang for your buck, and oftentimes increasing your credit score, too!
Have you put your loans off too long and are now on the verge of defaulting or having your wages or tax refund garnished? My Education Solutions can help to reverse this as well.
Are you looking to start a family or are hesitant to get married because of mounting student loan debt? My Education Solutions can help make your loans much more manageable so you can take the next step.
With Student Loan Forgiveness, time is truly of the essence.
Find out today how much Forgiveness you qualify for by visiting Use promo code Reeder7 to save $50 off enrollment.
Prefer to speak directly to a Student Loan Specialist? Call My Education Solutions at 800-618-1170 or schedule a free, no-risk consultation here.
Check Out The Calculator
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* Student Loan Debt Statistics Source
Unsure about your career? Feeling lost? Reeder Consulting: College and Career Paths is a specialist in the career development field and the number one career counseling company in San Antonio, TX working with clients in all 50 states. We help individuals engage in career and aptitude testing to process information through meaningful conversations and give clarity to the stress of career decisions to Proceed with Confidence.